Guns, lamb cake, and Amazing Grace

I love Easter!  I love that it’s in the Spring, I love that it involves a silly tradition of dunking hard boiled eggs in dye,  I love that it justifies eating one too many Cadbury creme eggs, and most of all, I love what it signifies for ME.  That Jesus loved me so much, despite the huge amount of flaws that I have, and my long list of mess-ups, that He died for me.  I can’t fathom love like that.

This weekend was filled with things that I love so much, and was a sweet reminder of how much my Jesus cares about the little things.  Or rather, the things that probably seem little to others, but meant the world to me.  It was a weekend of laughter and joy, relaxation and anticipation, and good, meaningful time with some of my favorites!

It started with this…

I’ll be honest in saying that time with friends restores my soul many times.  It’s like medicine to a bit of brokenness, and I love that when I need it most, Jesus is so faithful to provide.  We spent 9 hours with these two wonderful people, and I selfishly feel that it was completely for my benefit. 🙂

In the midst of all that gun shooting fun, I made this kitschy cake to make Grandma Wilson smile!

She used to make this lamb cake every Easter for her grandchildren, and a few months ago she gave me the cake mold.  It’s from the 1950s and is totally vintage looking.  She spent Easter with other family members this year, but I was excited to make it so she could see pictures anyway!

Our weekend ended with these hopeful words to Amazing Grace being sung

The Lord has promised good to me.

His word my hope secures.

He will my shield and portion be,

As long as life endures.

Because of Him, I have hope.

3 thoughts on “Guns, lamb cake, and Amazing Grace

  1. Diane says:

    Memories of many Easter’s ago. Thanks for taking the time to make the “bunny” cake. I did sneak a bite and it was good!!! Love the coconut goodness:)

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